Church Picnic 10/21
- Where: Martinez Middle School
- 5601 W Lutz Lake Fern Rd, Lutz, FL 33558
- Committees are being formed for games, activities, and food.
- EM: asked to help set up signs and direct traffic
- Please note: You cannot see this middle school from the road, you can see the elementary school, the high school. The Middle school is located in the rear, follow the road to the back. (When in doubt, use the Google Map GPS)
World Communion Sunday: today
- Churches around the world are participating in communion first October of each year.
Congregational Meeting October 28th 1 pm
- Where: Main Sanctuary
Upcoming Dates and Notes:
- 10/7,14 EM/Education Ministry Joint Worship (No Fellowship, Bible Study)
- 10/13 – church officers meeting
- 10/21 Church Picnic
- 10/28 New Education Classrooms will be open
- 10/28 Congregational Meeting
- 11/10 Newcomer welcome Reception
- 11/18 Thanksgiving Sunday – EM/Youth Joint Service