Lifegroup upcoming meetings:
- 9/16 Sunday evening
- 9/22 Saturday evening
Ministry Expo 9/23
- Need 2 volunteers to represent EM booth
- 10:30am to 11 am
- 12noon to 12:15
Early Morning Service – weekdays beginning at 5:30am
- Services held in Korean.
- English Morning prayer service Wednesdays 9/12 to 10/4
Construction and Dates:
- 9/10 Bathroom/plumbing closures
- 9/17 Select Demo of classrooms
- 9/30 Last day of classrooms before full demo and construction of Fellowship Hall
- 10/7,14 EM/Education Ministry Joint Worship (No Fellowship, Bible Study)
- 10/21 Church Picnic
- 10/28 New Education Classrooms will be open